Perennial Plants & Seedlings

Beautify Gardens, Rock Walls, and General Landscaping With Garden Plants

Garden plants are a great addition to your back or front yard. When you shop on eBay, you can find a beautiful selection of plants for many areas.

What selections of garden plants can you find on eBay?

The garden plants that you can find on eBay include a wide range, such as Edelweiss, Allium, Rose of Sharon, Sea Holly, Venus Fly Trap, Daisy, Pansy, Primrose, Fern, Jasmine, and many other varieties. Plants are sold as seeds that you can plant in your yard.

What's the difference between perennials and annuals?

Garden plants come in two types. There are annuals and perennials. Annuals are good for one season, but they won't regrow after the winter frost. Perennials will regrow for several years, coming up each spring.

How do you choose garden plants?

One of the first things that you may want to consider is the region that you live in. Some plants grow well in a variety of climates, but others need very specific conditions. Look at the plant's hardiness zones. You also need to consider the lighting conditions and the amount of drainage that you will be planting in. Some plants require full sunlight, but others primarily need shade or partial sunlight. Similarly, some plants do well in areas that have lots of water, but others need fairly dry soil. Also, look at the type of soil that the plant needs. Some need highly acidic soil. Finally, do some research on how much maintenance the plant will need. Some plants you only need to put in the soil and water, but others are more temperamental and will need more care to truly thrive.

What steps should you take to prepare for garden plants?

There are several things that you should think about when planning a garden. A few of these include the following:

  • Space: Make sure that you plan enough space around pathways so that there's enough room to walk. Also, be plan space around driveways.
  • Growth: You need to plan on the plants growing, and they shouldn't overrun each other later.
  • Positioning: To be able to fully enjoy all of your plants, put the tallest ones in the back or in the middle if you have a garden that can be seen from multiple angles.
  • Planting: Flowers are beautiful, but if you live in a region that the flowers will die for a season or two, make sure that you plant foliage that will look great in the colder seasons, too
  • Gas lines: Whenever you're digging, make sure that you find where the gas lines are located if you'll be digging down more than 37 centimetres.

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