fly tying material job lot C 500x metz cape feathers hackle from neck and saddle £1.000 bids6d 7h 14m
Genetic Hackle Cock Neck feathers Dyed and natural 12-16s metz grizzle b/w £5.85Save up to 10% with Multi-buy
Genetic Hackle Cock Neck feather Dyed and natural 12-16s metz olive grizzle £5.85Save up to 10% with Multi-buy
saddle hackle whitings and metz midge 16s-18s mixed naturals fly tying material £6.85Save up to 10% with Multi-buy
saddle hackle whitings and metz midge 16s-18s grizzle fly tying material £6.85Save up to 10% with Multi-buy
saddle hackle whitings and metz 12s-14s grizzle olive fly tying material £6.85Save up to 20% with Multi-buy