We specialise in selling rare books and modern first editions on eBay, including hard to find paperbacks, out of prints, and signed limited editions. Sometimes other great stuff comes our way - vintage clothing, old games, ceramics and antiques - and we put that up too. We care about the items we send you, so they're always packed professionally, and sent swiftly. Any problems let us know and we'll sort it quick. Have a browse and come back regularly - new stuff going every few days. Nearly everything is best offer - so if you like something, make an offer, we don't bite and we don't get offended. You want a good price, we want a sale: in between is the space where everyone's happy. And yes, we always combine shipping on multiple buys. Thanks for looking. Happy browsing.
Location: United KingdomMember since: 26 Nov, 2003Seller: looesenders
Business details
Business name: Looesenders Rare Books and Fine ArtFirst name: NickiSurname: EathorneAddress: Garlands, Shutta Road, PL131HW Looe, United KingdomPhone number: 01503269250Email: looeboy@looeboy.freeserve.co.uk