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Location: United StatesMember since: 25 Feb, 2004
Reviews (4)
01 Feb, 2006
A beautiful little gem!
This movie is loosely based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but it can stand alone on it's own merits. The cast is beautiful, the colors vibrant! One scene which has three friends shopping in the market for an upcoming wedding of one of the three, really reminded me of that opening town scene from Beauty and the Beast! It has a fairy-tale ambience to it that you will find entertaining and a joy! You don't even need to know the original story of Pride and Prejudice to enjoy this visual treat. But, it will probably make you want to investigate that timeless classic story of rich men being in need of a wife, with busy-body mammas to help the romance along. Also, if you are not a fan of musicals this will still be acceptable to you based on it's sheer entertainment value (pretty girls and drop-dead handsome men) My husband neither cares for musicals or Jane Austen, but he did enjoy this movie which says a lot!
3 of 3 found this helpful
01 Feb, 2006
A saga on the scale of Judith Krantz than a thriller
No question about it Nora Roberts is a gifted storyteller, as her prolific selection of novels can attest to! How does she write so many so fast? Never the less! This story really doesn't pick up speed until 3/4 of the way through. It starts off when the main character is a young girl of eleven and how a tragic event in her life carved out her destiny. But, you have to suspend your dis-belief for some of this tale, when after 20 years or so all crimes mentioned have a direct relationship to our heroine (yet she continues on totally unaware of this) Some people might think twice when in every romantic relationship they had the young lover end up dead or some possession of theirs was blown to smithereen's. It might make you connect some dots, but not our girl! Anyway, this story meanders and winds around countless family scenes of domestic goings-on: Dating, college, weddings, children, remodeling of family pizza parlors....If you like a drawn out Italian family saga...with a back drop of a psycho stalker, this is for you. But if you are ready for a faster paced thriller/suspense this might not be your cup of tea! I still love reading every Nora Roberts novel I can get my hands on and yes... I admit to secretly watching them transformed into Lifetime movies.
2 of 3 found this helpful
01 Feb, 2006
The Best of the Women's Murder Club Series!
This was a riveting read for me. It was always easy to put down and find your place again, but I didn't want to! I just had to keep reading until the end. This has everything: A little romance, a shocking crime, a sub-plot (are they connected?) a shocking twisted ending, a few red herrings to keep you guessing until the end. Just a great combination of elements that make reading this genre fun and interesting. I am anxiously waiting for the next in the series The 5th Horseman. I think this is my favorite in the the series so far, which is unusual because often the first two are the best then they go downhill, but this series just picks up speed and character development with our dear Lindsey Boxer.
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