Waterskiing & Wakeboarding Ski Vests & Jackets

Waterskiing and Wakeboarding Ski Vests and Jackets

There is a wide range of watersports clothing available, including water skiing and wakeboarding vests and jackets, along with other products and accessories for watersports. They offer high quality buoyancy so that if you are wearing the jacket correctly, you will float if you fall off your jet ski into the water. These water life jackets have a number of features that are essential to work and they meet the regulations of the British Standard EN 393.

Protection offered by a jacket

The main purpose of these jackets is to offer protection to the user when in the water. These watersports jackets have a number of features that make sure that the wear is protected and safe at all times. The jackets have a 4-buckle system that are quick and easy to release with adjustable straps. The jacket stays fastened with the use of four buckles. This keeps you safe if some of the buckles break while youre out at sea. The straps can be adjusted so that they can fit every individual perfectly as the jackets have to be tight to keep you safe. The jackets also offer great protection through the panels and padding in the jacket - extra padding gives you protection and support if you have a high-impact collision.

Available sizes

It is important that anyone taking part in watersports, such as waterskiing , has a safety jacket, therefore there are plenty of sizes to choose from. The sizes range from junior to X large.

From the jackets that are available, there is a wide variety of designs, brands and sizes to choose from. However, all jackets have to be approved by the standard agency which proves they are safe to wear out in the water. It is vital that you have a jacket when taking part in any water sport.
