Gun Cabinets & Safes

Gun Cabinets

Keeping your guns safe, secure and well maintained involves investing in the right kind of gun cabinet. Depending on the type of equipment you have, the space you need to work within and the special features you require, you can find the right solution for you. You may also want to consider shopping by budget. Top brands include Barska, Brattonsound, Bulldog and Stack-On.


If you're shopping for any kind of gun cabinet, it's wise to check they are approved by the British police beforehand. Cabinets should be fully lockable and difficult to remove from your property for starters. The size of the cabinet will come down to the amount of equipment you need to keep secure, as well as the size of your room. You can find gun cabinets with secure features, like inner lock boxes, for instance, or items with deep gun safe cabinets and ammo boxes.


If you'd prefer to keep your guns in a safe, there are plenty of different models to consider. Broad types include in-the-floor safes, handgun safes and stand-alone models. You can shop for any from antique used safes, to brand new state-of-the-art versions. Examples include an affordable vintage and ammunition safe fashioned from heavy steel with a crowbar proof and key. Or there are types made especially for pistols, and clever wood hollow concealed box safe cases that look discreet and stylish.


Part of maintaining your equipment even when it's locked down ensures safeguarding against humidity. Buying an appropriate dehumidifier for your safe or cabinet is especially important if the locker is in something like a garage or cellar. To find the right product for your locker, search by type and budget. Some typical items range from mini dehumidifiers to portable dehumidifier rods made specifically for safes.