BMW M3 Cars

What to Know Before Purchasing a BMW M3 Car

The M3 has been part of the BMW 3 Series cars since its inception in 1986. The first models were produced with a coupe body but later included convertible bodies. The last models of the BMW M3 were produced as sedans.

Models of the BMW M3 available for sale on eBay

The various affordable generations of BMW M3 available on eBay are:

  • E46 generation: The BMW E46 M3 line of cars was produced between 2000 and 2006. The E46 M3 for sale was manufactured with a coupe and a convertible body. The transmissions for this series are either manual or SMG-II.
  • 2007-2013 models: The series models produced between those years are the E90, E92, and E93. The body styles of those vehicles were a convertible, coupe, and a sedan/saloon.
  • F80 generation: The F80 generation of the BMW M3 series was the first model of M3 to have a twin-turbocharged engine. This increase in power decreased acceleration times for those models. The only body model produced for these series was a saloon.
The transmission on a used BMW M3

The BMW M3 series has three modes of transmission. You can get a car with an automatic, manual, or semi-automatic transmission. The older versions of the car are found more often with manual transmission and newer versions tend to come with an automatic transmission.

Which are the different engine sizes for the M3?

The engine sizes can be checked under three categories. You have the 2-2.9L engine, the 3-3.9L, and the 4-4.9L engine. The engine size refers to the amount of fuel that the car can run on. The bigger engines typically produce more power. However, cars with smaller engines are more fuel-efficient. Choosing the size of the engine depends on your needs. If you are looking for a bigger car that you want to accelerate faster, go for a bigger engine. With smaller engines, you will save more on fuel without so much of the power. For newer models, the turbocharger inside can make small engines more powerful than big ones, so the rules for picking out an engine value is different for the later models.

The materials used in the BMW M3

Most of the new and preowned BMW M3 models are made with a carbon fibre roof to lighten the weight of the car. The rest of the car's body is made with aluminium. Some of the newer versions of this model also have a carbon fibre bonnet to lower the weight even more. This lighter bonnet also lowers the gravity centre of the car.