Fireguards & Fire Screens

Stay Protected With a Fireplace Screen

There's nothing quite like hearing the crackling sounds and feeling the warmth of a fire. When you do light a fire, it's critical to keep the heat contained. There are numerous different fireguards that you can purchase on eBay.

What type of designs do they have?

The type of design you need may be dependent on the type of fireplace you have and the layout of your room. In general, you can find fireguards that are:

  • Foldable: With these, you'll be able to angle the side panels however you see fit to protect the space all around the fireplace.
  • Childproof: You'll want to look for something that can attach securely to the walls around your fireplace if you have a little one in the home. Doing so prevents it from toppling over, even if someone is pushing or pulling it. To maintain access to the fireplace, you can look for a guard with a panel that can swing open.
  • Curved: These usually come in one piece and are free standing. They have a streamlined look and can be simple to put up and take down when needed. There are some extra wide curved fireguards that can completely enclose a fireplace.
In what sizes are these fireguards available?

There are many different sizes available on eBay. In general, you'll want a guard that's at least 3 to 5 inches taller and at least 10 inches wider than your fireplace.

What are the materials used to make fireguards?

They could be made out of many materials, including the following:

  • Metal: Mesh made out of a metal can protect against sparks and can let heat circulate relatively well. You'll have choices in the design also. There are simple rectangular pieces as well as those that have been made with laser cut techniques. Black is a common colour, although some metals have been treated to have a rust colour while some include a colourful paint that's heat resistant.
  • Glass: Glass offers good protection against sparks but does contain some of the heat. There are some guards that are works of art in themselves, consisting of stained glass laid out in beautiful designs. For these, it's recommended that you pull the stained glass at least a few feet away from the fireplace while you're using it.
  • Iron: You can find different types of wrought iron and cast iron guards, from those with flourishes to those that are more basic. They often come with metal mesh to protect against sparks.

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