Flight Tickets

Flight Tickets

Whether you want to get hold of last minute deals to a sunny place, or you need to quickly arrange tickets for a domestic flight, you can easily find the right ticket to suit you. You can keep your search as open-ended or as specific as you need, depending on your preferences, requirements and budget.

The buying options available help you get hold of exactly what you need too with auctions and buy-it-now. This can give you access to better prices on tickets, or a way of securing a round trip for one set price. There are many reasons people would choose to sell a ticket, plans can change and being unable to get a refund, selling them on is a good way to make sure it doesn't go to waste.

Departures and destinations

If you need to depart from a certain airport or location, or have a particular destination in mind, selecting departures and destinations will kick-start your search. Top airports in cities like London and Manchester are just some of those on the list. If you don't mind where you end up, keep the destination selection clear, and simply see where you can get to from an airport near you.


Whittling your search down by the time of year is another way of securing the perfect trip. Ticking the month you'll be flying will show you what's available. This can include tickets to places like Cyprus and Tenerife, or even further flung destinations like Miami.

With any ticket, it's worth being sure of the airline's policy and reading the seller's notes before making a purchase. You will usually have to pay to change the name on the ticket for instance. It's facts like this that you'll need to be sure of from the start.

Flight types

People post return flight, economy tickets and more expensive business class and premium seats. You can also find referrals which enable you to gain air miles quickly, often after spending a certain amount with an airline.