Spot Welders

Spot welders for trade and hobby use

Whether you're a welding professional or a hobbyist looking for equipment, there is a selection of welders suitable for trade and hobby use. Whatever welders, cutters and torches you're after, you'll find the perfect item for various different applications right here on eBay.

Quality spot welders

There is a wide selection of spot welding machines and kits available that provide high-quality welds for a range of projects. Many models offer different modes and pressure settings to get the consistency and accuracy spot on. Other features include pulse selection and current display to ensure you are getting the correct frequency and results every time.

Welding equipment parts

If you are looking for accessories or parts to get your welder working correctly, there is a selection of items available to suit your needs. You'll find everything from weld guns, battery packs, pressure testers and laser tools plus many other essentials.

Spot welder consumables

Welding equipment has a range of consumables that regularly need replacing. Items such as welding electrodes, rods and wires will be needed when you are using this equipment, so stocking up is essential. There is a selection of consumables that you can purchase in bulk to ensure you have everything you need for your next project.

Spot welder kits

If you're starting out or are looking for a complete welding kit, there is a variety of machines with accessories suitable for a starter project. Many kits include the basics such as the machine, foot pedal, fuse tubes, welding wire, battery holder, welding needles and manual.

Spot welders for jewellery making

For finer crafts and jewellery making, you'll find a variety of equipment that used for delicate work. These welders can be used with alloys and precious metals such as silver, gold, and titanium to give a precision finish.