Recumbent Bikes

Recumbent Bikes

Recumbent bikes are seated bikes which recline the rider into a seat thereby spreading out the rider's weight over a larger surface area. In general, there are two varieties of recumbent bikes. Short wheel-based recumbent bikes have the front wheel by the rider's knees with the pedals out in front and the wheel sizes are usually the same. Long wheel-based recumbent bikes have their front wheel, which is usually smaller than the back wheel, out in front of the pedals.

Why Own a Recumbent Bike?

One of the most popular reasons for buying a recumbent bike is that it is very comfortable to ride, as the bucket-style seat is more forgiving than a regular cycle seat. No need for padded shorts for those long cycle rides.

Recumbent bikes are also deemed safer to ride as they eliminate many of the injuries you might sustain when riding an upright bike. You are unlikely to slide during a turn or go over the handlebars and are pretty visible on the road because more of your body is in a driver's sight. Recumbent bikes also stop quicker than bikes as most of your weight is over the rear wheel.

Recumbent bikes are designed with ergonomics in mind. The seating position relieves stress on bones, tendons and joints as your weight is spread over a larger surface area, and not hunched leaning forward over the handlebars.

Recumbent bikes can actually go faster than regular bicycles, as the rider is more horizontal allowing the air to go over you. To ride one is a sheer pleasure because you are closer to the ground you feel like you are going faster, and they are an exhilarating ride.

There are lots of brands on the market, including recumbent bikes from ICE, Optima, Airnimal and Nazca all offering a great choice of fast, comfortable, versatile and easy to ride recumbent bikes.

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