Teleconverter Camera Lens for Sony

Teleconverter Camera Lens for Sony

A teleconverter camera lens zooms far into the action so you can take shots that would otherwise be impossible with your Sony camera. A teleconverter camera lens for Sony is a great addition to your kit for situations where your subject is far away and you need a crisp clear image.


Great for photographing wildlife, sports events or landscapes, you will bring far away objects close in perfect detail. Capture the detail on architecture no matter how far off the ground the building is. These are great for astrophotography, as well for capturing celestial objects such as the moon in all its stunning detail. Birds are easily accessible from a distance. With a tripod and a shutter release you will be able to get a detailed shot of wildlife without disturbing them. Use a time-lapse to measure changes over time from a safe distance.

Technical detail

Expect to focus in on distances of around 500 ft. or more to obtain a sharp and detailed image. This type of camera lens usually requires manual settings to be used, so a beginner may need to seek advice on how to get the best out of this lens. It may take a few shots to get the best shutter speed in the chosen conditions. Focus the lens by looking through the viewfinder for the best results.


Usually made from aluminium, this lens is as light as can be for such a large body. Teleconverter camera lenses are long and can be unstable, so use with a tripod to give you less camera shake and support the lens. This type of lens usually comes with a tripod collar to support the lens even more. This is quite a heavy lens though it'll be worth it to gain that extra focal length and detail, showcasing the capabilities of your Sony camera .

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