Leverback Fine Pearl Earrings

Leverback Fine Pearl Earrings

Leverback fine pearl earrings are luxury items of jewellery that come in a range of shapes, sizes and styles. They can be decorated with a single pearl for a simple classic look or clusters of pearls for a more elaborate finish.

Pearl earrings are made from a variety of metals, including gold, silver and platinum. Although pearls are famous for being an iridescent creamy white colour, they can be many different shades, such as black, golden, pink or blue.

Different types of pearl

Pearls are formed when a mollusc, most usually an oyster or mussel, reacts to an irritant, such as a piece of grit. The creature covers the foreign body in protective layers, which eventually form a pearl.

Natural pearls occur in the wild without human intervention. Cultured pearls are created when an irritant is deliberately introduced to the mollusc. Pearls can occur in both freshwater and seawater environments. They vary in shape and colour depending on the type of mollusc they came from.

There are several points to consider when choosing pearls. As well as the shape, size and colour, look for any blemishes. These may be wrinkles, marks or spots. Pearls also have different levels of lustre, which can affect how shiny they appear.

Why choose leverback earrings?

Leverback earrings feature a hooped clasp, which flips open to attach to the earlobe. The back of the clasp then snaps closed to form a complete loop. They are usually attached to dangle or drop style earrings.

One of the main benefits of the leverback clasp is the level of security it offers. The nature of the looped fastening means that the earring cannot accidentally slip out of the ear. This makes it particularly suitable for more valuable jewellery.

Leverback clasps have a rounded back, which can make them more comfortable to wear. They do not have any loose parts that can fall off and be lost as with other styles of fastening.