Power Wheelchairs

Stay Mobile with a Powered Electric Wheelchair

An electric wheelchair can offer you a convenient way to get around by yourself if walking proves hard to do. These powered chairs are available in a range of affordable styles on eBay. Familiarising yourself with some of the options you can choose for your electric wheelchair will help you find the one that is right for you.

Are electric wheelchairs foldable?

Many electric wheelchairs can fold into smaller shapes. If you need an electric wheelchair that folds, eBay can help you find products that meet this requirement. A few of the potential benefits you might experience with such a wheelchair are:

  • Transport: Being able to fold makes the chairs easier for one person to lift into a vehicle for transport if necessary. Folding can also help it fit in the back of a car.
  • Storage: If you do not need to use your wheelchair all the time or space is an issue, a lightweight electric wheelchair that folds might be easier for you to store.
Can you purchase a used electric wheelchair?

Many of the electric wheelchairs you will find on eBay are pre-owned. A used electric wheelchair should still function adequately for your needs and may be an affordable option. In some cases, your used power chair might feature slight cosmetic blemishes. These surface issues are a normal part of wear for such chairs and do not affect its performance. A pre-owned electric wheelchair also might not include its original packaging. Refurbished wheelchairs are used items that should look and perform like new.

What are some features of electric wheelchairs?

All electric wheelchairs have some mechanisms or systems that use a battery to move. These kinds of chairs provide you with a control panel that lets you move the chair when and where you need to without assistance from another person. Several models include additional features that are intended to make them more convenient or comfortable for you during use. A few of the features you can add to your power chair are:

  • Swing-away rests: These rests for your arms and legs have a special hinge that allows them to swing to the side and out of your way. Swing-away rests can make it easier for you to get into or out of your electric wheelchair.
  • Lightweight: Powered wheelchairs with this designation might be easier to lift for transport in a vehicle when necessary. You can see the manufacturer for specific details on the weight of each chair.