Garden Leaf Grabbers

Leaf Grabber Garden Rakes

Sweeping up fallen leaves can result in a clean and tidy finish, but the process itself can be long, boring and hard work.

Using a regular garden rake doesn’t allow you to get the most from your efforts. Instead, why not try a leaf grabber? Collecting leaves, hedge trimmings and garden debris can be made into light work once and for all.

Types of leaf grabbers

Leaf grabbers come in different styles, so you can choose one that will suit you and your needs:

  • Hand grabbers – These are lightweight and easy to use, simply grab hold of the moulded handles and grab a bundle of leaves with the large surface area
  • Long handle grabbers – You can freely grab without bending, simply hold onto the handles and bring them together to collect leaves between the large collecting heads

Benefits of leaf grabbers

  • Pick up and dump leaves with ease – There is no need to sweep them up and manually pick them up or shovel them, simply do it all in one swift motion
  • No bending down – With the option of using a long handled leaf grabber, there is no need to bend down anymore, which can prevent back aches
  • Efficiency – As you can collect more leaves than you would on a shovel or by hand, you can move the leaves at a faster rate saving loads of time
  • Protection – Using a leaf grabber saves your hands from anything sharp or prickly that you may encounter whilst picking up the leaves, so you won’t need those old gardening gloves

A further option would be to make use of a hand rake that boasts a built in grabbing mechanism, giving you a great combination for maximal leaf collecting.

If you would prefer a more traditional method of collecting leaves, opt for an aluminium garden rake, as these will be lightweight and the least straining.