Metal Garden Ornaments/Sculptures/Statues

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Metal Ornaments, Sculptures & Statue Garden Ornaments

No matter how big or small a garden is, it often needs dressing to make it stand out from the rest. Metal garden ornaments are the perfect way to do this and there are so many options to choose from. Garden ornaments are also a great way of creating extra space for planting.

Types of ornaments 

You can make a garden ornament out of practically anything, but there are some which are more popular than others, and there are lots of different materials too.  Most metal ornaments are shaped as sculptures or statues and are available in a variety of sizes.

  • Sculptures - Metal sculptures can be shaped to resemble anything. Bulkier ones, such as cars, are more suited to larger gardens. Smaller sculptures of animals or flowers are also very popular
  • Statues - Most people don't have room for a large garden statue, but they don’t have to be huge. Instead you could choose a simple statue of an animal created by an artist. Your budget will determine what sort of statue can feature in your garden

Other metal ornaments

  • Bird baths - Cast iron bird baths are popular in gardens. They are usually heavy so that they don't topple over and they fill with water where birds can go to bathe
  • Plant stands - Metal plant stands can range from a simple metal bucket up to a cast iron trough. There are many styles and designs available to suit all sizes and budgets

The advantages of metal ornaments

  • Metal is durable when placed in the garden. It can withstand any weather and will not break easily
  • Some ornaments need to be heavy to avoid them falling, and iron is a good way to do this
  • Metal can be used to create intricate designs so can make delicate items which are hard wearing.