Metal Cabinets

Sturdy, Reliable and Versatile Metal Cabinets for Your Home

Metal cabinets are built to last for a long time. They can have many other attractive features beyond that, however. Here's some important information about some of the metal cabinets that you may find for sale on eBay listings.

A general overview of of metal cabinets

Here is some of what you can expect to see as you look for metal cabinets on eBay:

  • Size and shape: As you might expect, metal cabinets are either square- or rectangular-shaped, though some can be considerably larger than others. We recommend consulting the manufacturer website where possible to find exact measurements for all items.
  • Metal vs. glass: Some metal cabinets are meant for display purposes and therefore come with glass doors or shelves. Sometimes, only the frame may actually be made of metal.
  • Colours: The standard silver or bronze hues that you'll see in ordinary untouched metal are far from your only colour options. Cabinets can be painted all sorts of other colours, like black, white, red, blue, green, and beige. Some may be multicoloured.
  • Drawers and doors: Metal cabinets will usually have some combination of both drawers and doors — perhaps two relatively large doors and two small drawers either at the very top or the very bottom. Others will have only a set of doors. Many other kinds of combinations are possible.
Metal cabinets and their different mounting styles

Metal cabinets are also generally subdivided according to how they are meant to be positioned or mounted. Some cabinets are simply standalone or free-standing units, meaning that you just leave them standing anywhere. Such cabinets usually have a set of legs to stand on. There are also wall-mounted and other kinds of surface-mounted cabinets. Most kitchen and bathroom cabinets fall into this category. You can also find ceiling-mounted cabinets. Lastly, there are recessed wall cabinets, which are cabinets whose main bulk is meant to go into your wall. Only the doors of these cabinets protrude out from the wall.

Can you also buy metal cabinet accessories on eBay?

eBay also allows you to buy certain accessories and add-ons for your metal cabinets. Perhaps most prominent among these are the various sorts of door and drawer handles there are for sale. These range across all sorts of styles from the humble to the ornate. For example, there are brass ring handles, cup handles, pendant handles, and vintage and antique handles of all kinds. Also, you can buy brackets to help you hang your cabinets on the wall and sidebolts and lock latches to help you lock cabinet doors and keep certain things out of the reach of children.

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