6 ft Aquarium Tanks

Make a Home for Your Fish With a 6-Foot Aquarium

Adding an aquatic tank to your space invites peace and relaxation. But if you're new to fishkeeping, you may feel like a fish out of water trying to figure out which tank can accommodate your needs. Dive into this handy guide so you can make an informed decision before spending your hard-earned cash on an affordable 6-foot fish tank on eBay.

What you should know before you buy a 6-foot aquarium

A 6-foot tank can hold up to 240 gallons of water. Despite its size, it is easy to maintain. With the right water chemistry and equipment, you can create a thriving ecosystem for your fish. Consider:

  • Location: 6-foot fish tank aquariums should be kept away from vents, windows, and sunlight.
  • Number of fish: You'll need to have some idea of the number of fish you plan to put inside the tank. Experts recommend calculating an inch for each gallon of water to account for growth and to prevent overpopulation.
  • Type of fish: Various species require different environments. Knowing the fish you want to keep in the tank will help you decide between a freshwater or saltwater aquarium.
  • Support: Since water is heavy, experts recommend setting the tank on a stand or cabinet for added support.
  • Equipment: Pumps, filters, and heaters are necessary to keep the tank clean and the fish healthy.
Which model should you choose?

eBay is a gold mine for those looking to purchase aquariums. Models include branded, unbranded, and custom-made fixtures. Here's a sampling of the 6-foot tanks for sale on eBay.

  • Aqua One 6 by 2 by 2 aquarium for sale with an integrated cabinet
  • Unbranded 6-foot by 3-foot by 3-foot fish tank with Fluval Fx5 pump
  • Hexagon column 6-foot fish tank for sale
  • Custom-built freshwater 6-foot fish tank stand for sale
  • Custom-made marine fish tank for sale
Glass versus acrylic 6-foot fish tanks

On the surface, glass and acrylic 6-foot fish tanks seem similar. However, there are pros and cons to each. Glass, while less expensive, tends to be heavy. And even though acrylic fish tanks are lighter, they require a stand for support to prevent bowing under the pressure of the water. Keep these differences in mind when choosing a new or used aquarium:

  • Glass models come in limited shapes. Acrylic tanks are available in various shapes.
  • Acrylic scratches easily, while the glass models are scratch-resistant.
  • Glass tanks offer a clean view for years. However, acrylic aquariums yellow with age.
  • Acrylic contains impact-resistant properties. Glass does not.