Infrared Converted Camera

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Expand Your Photography with an Infrared Converted Camera

Infrared conversion provides a larger colour selection to work with by letting more visible light in. An infrared converted camera is ideal for manipulating the tonality of scenes whether coloured or black and white. You can get an infrared digital camera that has already undergone conversion on eBay.

How does infrared conversion work?

The sensor of a digital camera is highly sensitive to infrared and UV light. To avoid damaging the sensor, the camera is built with a filter to allow only the visible light. A fraction of infrared light can pass on some cameras, but the levels are too low to have any effect on the image. In IR camera conversion, the filter blocking infrared light is replaced with another one to stop the visible light. This process allows the camera to see only the lights at the end of the spectrum. It is possible to apply infrared conversion using a computer, but the images won't deliver the same effect as an infrared converted camera.

What are the possible infrared conversion choices?

When getting an infrared photography camera, you have to factor in the type of conversion. Different filters are used for infrared conversion, and that will affect the kind of images that the camera takes. Some of the conversion options include:

  • Full spectrum filter: In this conversion, the camera is sensitive to all types of lights; UV, IR, and visible. You can change filters to switch the camera from one mode to another.
  • Two-spectrum filter: Some conversion services provide a choice between IR and visible light sensitivity. The filter keeps out the UV, which allows you to blend the colours better when shooting in visible light.
  • 720nm: It is considered the standard for infrared camera conversion. The 720nm filter offers a good contrast when balancing black and white while providing mild colour. It works well with landscape photography.
What is the difference between using infrared in DSLRs and mirrorless cameras?

Cameras don't work in the same when it comes to shooting in infrared. A mirrorless camera has the ability to focus using the sensor, which makes it possible to use an infrared converted camera without a tripod and still not experience focusing errors, while a digital SLR requires you to use the Live Preview mode to prevent any focusing issues. A mirrorless camera allows the photographer to see how black and white images appear through the viewfinder. For a user who intends to shoot by hand, a mirrorless camera is a suitable choice.