Luggage Stickers

Make Your Suitcase Stand Out with Luggage Stickers

Suitcase stickers are PVC or vinyl surfaces with printed text and images that range on a broad spectrum. The messages on these stickers can be anything from a pop culture reference to an inspirational quote. Find thousands of luggage stickers on eBay to personalise your suitcase and set it apart for easy handling.

Where else can you use suitcase stickers?

Although they are for luggage, travel stickers can work on a number of other surfaces. You can buy the stickers in bulk and use them for multiple areas because not all of them have to go on your suitcase. The design of the stickers makes them suitable for various flat surfaces, including:

  • Laptops.
  • Phone cases.
  • Surfboards.
  • Guitars.

Removing luggage stickers without damage

Getting stickers off your suitcase to make room for another set requires care. If you get it wrong, you can leave glue residue that will attract dust or pieces of the sticker that will make it hard for other ones to adhere to the surface. Use a blow dryer to heat the sticker so that the glue can separate from the suitcase. Keep the machine at a distance to avoid destroying decals that you might still want to use somewhere else. Apply the heat until the decal can peel off smoothly. If glue residue remains, wipe it off with alcohol. Make certain the surface is clean and smooth for your next personalised suitcase stickers.

Can you wash a suitcase with a travel sticker?

Suitcase stickers are made of vinyl and PVC, which have water-resistant properties. They allow a few washes without fading or tearing. It will also depend on whether the stickers have a coating on them. Some labels come with waterproof specifications, meaning that they can survive washing. Know the correct cleaning agents to use to avoid damaging the sticker. Check the description of travel stickers keenly to see if they are water-resistant or waterproof before buying.

Choosing suitcase stickers right

The sheer number of stickers for suitcases available means that you can find just about any kind you want. Besides your preferences, factor in the region you are travelling to when picking luggage stickers. Text, images, and symbols have different connotations in various cultures, so it's worth thinking about this before making your choice. Check whether an airline has restrictions on the usage of personalised suitcase stickers. Pick stickers that will make your suitcase easy to identify, especially if it's a common type.