Golf Buggies

Golf Buggies

Golf buggies remain to be one of the best ways for you to make your way around the golf course. They are fast, reliable, easy to use and they can be used to carry a lot of gear and without any extra effort or fuss. Here on eBay, you can find golf buggies from leading brands include Yamaha, Gem, Harley Davidson and Club Car in both new and used condition.

Gas Golf Buggies

Gas golf buggies use unleaded gasoline. When you take a look at the horsepower, you will find that this is usually between 10 and 12, and they operate in a very similar way to that of a car. They require a lot of maintenance in order to keep them functioning properly and they will also run longer when compared to a battery powered cart as well.

Golf buggies that are gas powered tend to have a higher horsepower. If the cart has a higher horsepower then it will have a much higher level of performance and it will also have a higher top speed as well. Golf buggies that have a high horsepower will also accelerate faster.

Electric Golf Buggies

Electric golf buggies are powered by a battery. They require no gas of any form to operate. The average golf buggy has a horsepower level of around 5 however it is possible to find different brands or models that have more or less. Electric carts are much quieter when compared to their gas-powered counterparts and the maintenance costs are much lower as well. The battery will usually need to be replaced every 5 years and it is designed to last for one lap around a large golf course.

Electric golf buggies do not release toxins or chemicals into the environment and they are also much cheaper than a gas golf buggy. Both styles of buggy can carry several pieces of equipment and people at the same time.