Superfish Fish and Aquarium Supplies

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Superfish Fish and Aquarium Supplies

Superfish is a well known supplier of fish and aquarium supplies. All aquariums need some basic pieces of equipment to keep them operating properly and to give the fish a healthy, clean environment in which to live. 

Basic supplies for an aquarium

  • Filters - fish produce waste, but being in water the waste doesn't go away. A filterwill remove waste, decaying matter, food and chemicals from the water, creating a more pleasant environment. Some filters will only remove waste, while others can be used to remove chemicals and toxic substances
  • Air pumps or air stones - without air stones, the water will not be oxygenated. Oxygenation is needed to keep the water clean and the fish healthy. Air pumps and air stones are both methods of creating this
  • Lighting - an obvious way to see your fish, but it serves another purpose too. It can also help with photosynthesis, which helps create oxygen in the water. There are many types of lighting available
  • Gravel and Substrate - having something to line the bottom of the tank is far more pleasing than simply viewing the waste build-up on the bottom of the tank. Substrate and gravel creates a build up of good bacteria which is important for a healthy tank. It also allows the fish to forage for food just like they would in a natural environment.
  • Decorations - make a tank look more pleasing but they also give the fish a place to use for cover.  There are a number of different types available from natural stone to plastic

Other accessories

There are lots of other items you can add to a tank or aquarium once it's set up. These include feeders which release food into the tank at set intervals.  

You will also need specialist cleaning materials for the windows and the water.