Interpet Fish and Aquarium Supplies


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Interpet Fish and Aquarium Supplies

An aquarium may be a fun and enjoyable addition to your home and your office, but it is important to remember that as well as being highly decorative, a tank also houses living creatures which need to be looked after in order to thrive. 

The tank itself also needs care to keep it in tip top condition and looking great. It’s important to know which Interpet aquarium supplies are essentials and which are extras.

Top Tips for Shopping for Your Aquarium


  • Chose a tank which is large enough to house the number of fish you wish, leaving space for new arrivals
  • Choose a tank that suits the size of your home and will sit comfortably where you wish it to go
  • Ensure you choose a properly fitting hoodto minimise evaporation and to stop fish from jumping out/other pets getting in

Other Accessories

  • Unless you have cold water fish you will need a heaterto maintain a tank temperature which is healthy for the fish you’ve chosen
  • An aquarium thermometer will enable you to monitor the temperature of the water
  • Lighting is necessary for fish to thrive and plants to survive
  • A filtration system will be needed to keep the water clean and oxygenated. There are various types of filters. The type you choose will depend on the size and type of your tank
  • A PH testing kit and water treatments are needed to set the tank up properly (fish don’t cope well with the nitrates and chlorine in tap water) and to monitor the PH level periodically


  • To keep your tank clean you should consider buying:
  • A net to catch/scoop debris
  • An aquarium gravel vacuum
  • Replacement filters
  • An algae magnet and/or scraper
  • Glass cleaning materials for the outside of the tank

Decorative Items

  • Gravel (which should be washed thoroughly before being placed in the tank) is the first item to be placed in the tank
  • Plants, live or decorative are also often included in aquariums