Live Aquarium Catfish

Fishing for Shopping Tips on Catfish

Since you have come to eBay for inexpensive aquarium catfish for sale, you can discover the right way to shop for the perfect addition to your crew. You may purchase live catfish for sale in secure baggies that hold the fish until you free them into your aquarium or outdoor pond. With a little bit of guidance, your gulper, red tail, or any other species is easy to choose.

Shopping guide for catfish

First, let's take an albino red tail catfish for sale as a pointer to temperament, which is vital to selecting fish. The albino supplies unusual temperament and habits because it swims in the daytime as well as at night. Like other species such as the platinum red tail catfish for sale, it swims peacefully with other fish, particularly the active danio and other dither fish. Next, it pays to take care introducing the gulper catfish for sale to your aquarium, because they are an aggressive ambush carnivore. Moderate temperament fish, such as a red tail catfish for sale, opt for opportunistic feeding of any fish small enough to fit into their mouths but are not especially aggressive.

Selecting catfish to match the size of your aquarium

A standard 10-gallon aquarium suits moderate or peaceful species such as the albino corydoras catfish. If your aquarium is larger than 10 gallons, then the gulper supplies an interesting fish as it lies in wait at the bottom for its feeding time. Plenty of space plus plenty of hiding spaces for smaller fish means a peaceful aquarium. Moderate and peaceful species are mostly bottom feeders who snorkel uneaten fish food to keep your aquarium clean.

Will catfish grow to great size?

Aquarium catfish may grow to reach 2 feet, so it is a good idea to consider its eventual size. If you have an outdoor pond or water garden, then a good choice is the channel catfish, which may grow to over 2 feet long.

What species of catfish are for sale on eBay?

Live catfish species include but are not limited to:

  • Corydoras splendens, or emerald catfish, which does well in groups of three due to its shyness.
  • Hemibagrus nemurus, which is an aggressive species suited to a large aquarium.
  • Hemibagrus wyckioides, or Asian redtail catfish, which is aggressive with barbels half to one-third its length.
  • Aspidoras catfish, which are shoaling catfish that do well in groups of three or more.
  • Liosomadorsa oncinus, or jaguar catfish, is a shy, nocturnal species with spotted markings.