Children's Plastic Bathroom Step Stools

Children's Plastic Bathroom Step Stools

Toilet training can be a stressful time in a parent and child's life, but you can make everything go that little bit more smoothly with a plastic bathroom step stool.

Why is a plastic step stool better than a wooden one?

A plastic step stool is the perfect choice as it is easy to clean, which is of utmost importance when potty training, as accidents can and do happen. Being able to wipe them with antibacterial wipes or spray them with a strong cleaning spray without fear of damaging the stool gives great peace of mind. Knowing that you can keep the step stool hygienically clean at all times with minimum effort is ideal for any busy parent.

Plastic step stools are also light to move around the bathroom, wherever your child needs to use them, from the toilet to the sink. This also helps them take responsibility for moving it themselves, giving them a greater sense of independence. Many children love to do things for themselves, and it will also help save your back from having to bend over all the time.

Folding step stools

When space is at a premium, a folding step stool is a great option. With all the benefits of a standard step stool without taking up valuable floor space, a fold up stool can be put up and taken down quickly and easily. This makes it perfect for grandparents or other people who have children to visit only occasionally.

Bathroom step stools are available in several different heights and some even have two steps for greater height. Aside from helping toddlers to reach the sink or toilet, step stools are also handy to have in the garage or kitchen, or wherever you have high shelves to reach. Look for models with rubber grips for added safety and security.