Size D Multipurpose Battery Chargers

Never Run Out of Batteries Again with a D Battery Charger

Running out of battery power can be frustrating and inconvenient, especially when you discover that you don’t have any spares. With a D battery charger, you can ensure that you'll always have fully charged D batteries available at all times, day or night. On eBay, you can find a vast selection of battery chargers and rechargeable batteries at a range of prices to suit your budget.

What types of devices commonly use D batteries?

D batteries are often used in high-drain devices, such as large torches, camping lanterns, audio equipment, and toys with electronic moving parts.

What benefits are there to using a D battery charger?

There are a number of ways to benefit from battery chargers and rechargeable batteries, including:

  • Save money: Since rechargeable batteries can be used again and again, the overall cost of using rechargeable batteries with a charger is much less than buying disposable batteries.
  • Environmentally friendly: Rechargeable batteries produce less waste and recharging them utilises less energy than charging new batteries.
  • Consistent performance: Rechargeable batteries operate consistently at 1.2V of energy until they stop working. On the other hand, disposable batteries start at 1.5V and then gradually drop voltage as they're depleted.
  • Convenience: By using rechargeable batteries at home, users are saved from having to make an unexpected trip to the shop if they run out of batteries.
What features can be expected on a battery charger?

With a wide range of battery chargers on the market, you'll find that features can vary between different models. Some of the more common features include:

  • The ability to charge different sizes and types of battery. You should always check the manufacturer site to ensure charger and battery compatibility.
  • USB charging ports which allow the charging of devices, alongside rechargeable batteries, such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers.
  • LCD displays can show important information, such as the charge level, voltage, or charging time.
  • Discharge function can help extend the life of your rechargeable batteries by ensuring that batteries are fully discharged prior to recharging.
What safety features do battery chargers have?

Exact safety features can vary, but some safety features to look out for include overheat and overcharge protection, automatic switch off, and automatic non-rechargeable battery recognition.