Big & Tall Cycling Shorts

Big and Tall Cycling Shorts

Like with any other clothes, if you are have a larger chest, waist or shoulders then it can be a problem finding the right clothing for you. When you look at cycling clothing this can double in problems as you need your cycling gear to be fitted correctly, avoiding being both too saggy or tight. You shouldn't have to compromise on quality. With this range of big and tall cycling shorts, you will have better luck finding the ideal cycling shorts for you, whether you are into your racing, country bike rides or simply commuting into work.

Size guides

Whether you measure big or tall in size, there are many brands that produce these ranges to your size such as Didoo, Muddyfox and FDX. Look out for sizes such as XL, XXL, 3L and tall as these sizes are created to fit a broader waist and leg size.


You want your cycling shorts to be tight fitting to your body, but without being overly tight. The best material will be stretchy allowing for you to be streamlined in silhouette as opposed to wearing a loose material. These elastic materials may feel strange upon first use, but give them a chance as they are a great option when exercising.


There are a variety of types of cycling shorts available, dependent on the type of cycling you're doing. These can range from padded, touring and bib shorts . It's important you get the right type of cycling shorts for your requirements to ensure you take the pressure off your bones and muscles, particularly when cycling long distances. This can reduce the amount of aches, pains and chafing that might occur when cycling.

Benefits of cycling

Whatever you choose to cycle for, from leisure, competitive to perhaps getting fitter, you'll find there are many benefits to cycling. Many choose to take up this sport as opposed to running; cycling is a fairly low impact form of exercise that is great for all ages.