3 min article

Seller Hub

Seller Hub is the central place for managing your eBay business. It's free to use and consolidates all our selling tools into one location. It also gives you useful data and recommendations to help you grow your eBay sales.

Seller Hub consolidates all your listing, reporting, and order management tools in one place.

Seller Hub tools

Seller Hub gives you tools to:

  • Manage your listings – You'll find all the listing, reporting, and order management functionality here
  • Monitor your business – You can create custom dashboards to track listing activities, sales, costs, traffic data, and more
  • View payouts – You can view previous payouts, find out when you'll receive your next payout, and check if you've any funds on hold
  • Analyse business performance – You'll receive personalised insights, as well as tips to improve your business

If you have an eBay Shop, you'll manage your Shop and access all the features of Discounts Manager  (exclusive to business sellers) or Promoted listings from Seller Hub.

You can personalise your Seller Hub to suit you. Simply select the Customise link to adjust what you see on each page.

Using Seller Hub

Simply go to Seller Hub - opens in new window or tab and sign in using your eBay username and password. You'll need to have had at least one sale to use Seller Hub.

The Seller Hub overview page summarises all you need to know about your selling activity, and by selecting the different tabs listed below you'll access a range of different tools and data:

  • Overview – See a summary view of your Tasks, Orders, Listings, and Feedback, along with access to frequently used actions and selling tools
  • Orders – Take action on orders, including printing postage labels and uploading tracking. You can also review past orders and set up rules for managing returns
  • Listings – Create and manage listings, individually or in bulk. You can also manage listing templates and create business policy settings
  • Marketing – Use our tools to build your brand, attract more buyers, and sell more per visit (exclusive to business sellers with an eBay Shop subscription )
  • Advertising – Create and manage advertising campaigns to reach more buyers and drive sales
  • Shop – Manage all aspects of your eBay Shop, including your shop categories, newsletter (exclusive to business sellers), shop layout, and subscription. Review your traffic stats and get tips on optimising your Shop's performance
  • Performance – Understand your business performance through detailed information on sales, selling costs as a percentage of sales, traffic, buyer traffic source, and more. Select the data on the page to drill into in-depth charts and graphs
  • Research – Get advice for improving your listings, sourcing, pricing, and restocking
  • Payments – The Payments tab in Seller Hub helps you keep track of all the payouts you receive from your eBay transactions. For more information, see our article on Using the Payments tab in Seller hub
  • Reports – Optimise your business with file based (CSV/XLSX) reports & templates. Get detailed information about your business, and upload new information in bulk. Try Reports - opens in new window or tab

You can find out more about Seller Hub in our Seller Centre - opens in new window or tab.

Seller Hub orders download report

The orders report is a CSV (comma-separated) file that contains all of the data that appears on the Seller Hub Manage orders page and more, including a new field showing how much tax eBay collected and remitted for each transaction.

You can easily download the orders report from the Manage orders page by selecting Download report at the top right of the table. This will download all orders in your current results set (e.g. If you have 2,460 orders in your results set, this will download 2,460 orders).

You can also choose to only download individual orders by ticking the boxes next to them and choosing More > Download selected.

If you previously downloaded your orders into CSV files using File Exchange or Selling Manager, you'll find the new report is a little different. Columns have been rearranged, with some being added and some removed. Some column titles have also been updated.

Below, you can see the columns that are in the new orders report plus highlights of what's new in comparison to File Exchange and Selling Manager. Column titles in bold are either new columns, or have been renamed.

Seller Hub orders report

Column title

What’s new

Sales record number


Order number

Buyer username


Buyer name


Buyer email


Buyer note


Buyer address 1


Buyer address 2


Buyer city


Buyer county


Buyer postcode


Buyer country


Buyer tax identifier name

Buyer Tax Identifier Name indicates the type of tax identification being used for the buyer.
Possible values: VATIN

Buyer tax identifier value

Buyer Tax Identifier Value indicates that the taxpayerId value. Example: VATIN number, which is the value-added tax identification number for the buyer.
Possible values: 1234566

Post to name


Post to phone

Post to address 1


Post to address 2


Post to city


Post to county


Post to postcode


Post to country


Item number


Item title


Custom label


Sold via promoted listings




Sold for


Postage and packaging


Item location

Item Location indicates the geographical location of the item (along with the value in the country field). This field provides city, province, state, or similar information.
Possible values: Zip Code, City, State, Country

Item postcode

The postcode of the physical location of the order line item.

Item country

The two-letter ISO 3166 code representing the country of the address.

Included VAT rate


eBay Collect And Remit Tax Rate

The rate used to calculate the tax amount. (SalesTaxpercentage).

eBay Collect And Remit Tax Type

The type of tax collected for the transaction Includes types such as VAT, IST, etc.

eBay reference name

eBay Reference Name indicates the VAT tax type, which will vary by country/region
Possible values: IOSS (or) OSS for EU, VOEC for Norway

eBay reference value

eBay Reference Value is the VAT identifier number (VATIN), which will vary by country/region.
Possible values: IOSS ID (1234567890123456), Norway VOEC NO: (12345..)

Tax status

Tax Status indicates if tax is paid. 
Possible values: VAT Paid

Seller collected tax

eBay collected tax


Electronic waste recycling fee

Applies to US site only (ebay.com)

Mattress recycling fee

Applies to US site only (ebay.com)

Battery recycling fee

Specific state legislatures have written laws that require retailers to collect a battery recycling fee on sales of new and used lead acid batteries.

White goods disposal tax

Specific state legislatures have written laws that require retailers to collect a tax for every new white goods item sold by a retailer and sent into the state – e.g. ovens, refrigerators, heaters, washers, etc.

Tire recycling fee

Specific state legislatures have written laws that require retailers to collect a fee designated towards tyre recycling.

Additional fee

See Paying tax on eBay purchases for more information



Total price


eBay Collected Tax included in total

If the value is 'Yes' the 'Total Price' column includes eBay collected tax and any fees charged to buyers.
If the value is 'No' then the 'Total Price' column does not include eBay collected tax and any fees charged to buyers.

Payment method


Commitment date


Sale date


Paid on date


Post by date


Minimum estimated delivery date


Maximum estimated delivery date


Dispatched on date


Feedback left


Feedback received


My item note

PayPal transaction ID


Delivery service


Tracking number


Transaction ID


Variation details


Global Shipping Programme


Global Shipping Reference ID


Click and collect


Click and Collect Reference Number


eBay Plus


Authenticity verification programme

New field

If the value is "Yes" then the order qualifies for Authenticity Guarantee program.

If the value is "No" then the order does not qualify for Authenticity Guarantee program.

Authenticity verification status 

New field

If the value is "Pending" then the inspection check is still not done.

If the value is "Passed" then the authenticity check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.

If the value is "Failed" then the inspection check has failed and item will be returned back to seller.

If the value is "Passed with Exception" then the inspection check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.

Authenticity verification outcome reason

New field

If the value is "Not authentic" then the inspection check has failed and item will be returned back to seller.

If the value is "Not as described" then the inspection check has failed and item will be returned back to seller.

If the value is "Customized" then the inspection check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.

If the value is "Miscategorized" then the inspection check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.





eBay Fulfilment Programme


Tax city

New field

Tax county

New field

Tax postcode

New field

Tax country

New field





Seller Hub orders download report vs. Selling Manager sales history download

Column title

What’s new

Sales record number


Order number

Updated column title

Previous title: Order ID

Buyer username

Updated column title

Previous title: User Id

Buyer name

Updated column title and data change

Previous title: Buyer Fullname
Data change: Previously this field contained the name of the recipient. In the new report it contains the name of the buyer. The name of the recipient is now shown under the new Ship To Name column.

Buyer email


Buyer note


Buyer address 1


Buyer address 2


Buyer city


Buyer county


Buyer postcode


Buyer country


Buyer Tax Identifier Name

New field

Buyer Tax Identifier Name indicates the type of tax identification being used for the buyer.
Possible values: VATIN

Buyer Tax Identifier Value

New field

Buyer Tax Identifier Value indicates that the taxpayerId value. Example: VATIN number, which is the value-added tax identification number for the buyer.
Possible values: 1234566

Post to name


Post to phone

Updated column title

Previous title: Buyer Phone Number

Post to address 1


Post to address 2


Post to city


Post to county


Post to postcode


Post to country


Item number

Updated column title

Previous title: Item Title

Item title


Custom label


Sold via Promote your listings




Sold For

Updated column title

Previous title: Sale Price

Postage and packaging 


Item Location

New field

Item Location indicates the geographical location of the item (along with the value in the country field). This field provides city, province, state, or similar information.
Possible values: Zip Code, City, State, Country

Item Zip Code

New field

The zip code of the physical location of the order line item.

Item Country

New field

The two-letter ISO 3166 code representing the country of the address.

Included VAT rate


eBay Collect & Remit tax type

New field

The type of tax collected for the transaction Includes types such as VAT, IST, etc.

eBay Reference Name

New field

eBay Reference Name indicates the VAT tax type, which will vary by country/region
Possible values: IOSS (or) OSS for EU, VOEC for Norway

eBay Reference Value

New field

eBay Reference Value is the VAT identifier number (VATIN), which will vary by country/region.
Possible values: IOSS ID (1234567890123456), Norway VOEC NO: (12345..)

 Tax Status

New field

Tax Status indicates if tax is paid.
Possible values: VAT Paid

eBay Collect & Remit Tax Rate

New field

The rate used to calculate the tax amount. (SalesTaxpercentage).

Seller collected tax

Updated column title

Previous title: Sales Tax

eBay collected tax

New field

Electronic Waste Recycling Fee

New field 

Applies to US site only (ebay.com)

Mattress Recycling Fee

New field 

Applies to US site only (ebay.com)

Battery recycling fee

New field

Specific state legislatures have written laws that require retailers to collect a battery recycling fee on sales of new and used lead acid batteries.

White goods disposal tax

New field

Specific state legislatures have written laws that require retailers to collect a tax for every new white goods item sold by a retailer and sent into the state – e.g. ovens, refrigerators, heaters, washers, etc.

Tire recycling fee

New field

Specific state legislatures have written laws that require retailers to collect a fee designated towards tyre recycling.

Additional fee

New field 

See Paying tax on eBay purchases for more information

Total Price


eBay Collected Tax Included in Total

New field 

If the value is 'Yes' then the 'Total Price' column includes eBay collected tax and any fees charged to buyers.

If the value is 'No' then the 'Total Price' column does not include eBay collected tax and any fees charged to buyers.

Payment method


Sale date


Paid on date


Post by date


Minimum estimated delivery date


Maximum estimated delivery Date


Dispatched on date

Updated column title

Previous title: Dispatch Date

Feedback left


Feedback received


My item note

Updated column title

Previous title: Private Notes

PayPal transaction ID


Delivery service


Tracking number


Transaction ID


Variation details


Global Shipping Programme


Global Shipping Reference ID


Click and Collect


Click and Collect Reference Number


eBay Plus


Authenticity Verification Program

New field

If the value is "Yes" then the order qualifies for Authenticity Guarantee program.

If the value is "No" then the order does not qualify for Authenticity Guarantee program.

Authenticity Verification Status

New field

If the value is "Pending" then the inspection check is still not done.

If the value is "Passed" then the authenticity check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.

If the value is "Failed" then the inspection check has failed and item will be returned back to seller.

If the value is "Passed with Exception" then the inspection check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.

Authenticity Verification Outcome Reason

New field

If the value is "Not authentic" then the inspection check has failed and item will be returned back to seller.

If the value is "Not as described" then the inspection check has failed and item will be returned back to seller.

If the value is "Customized" then the inspection check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.

If the value is " Miscategorized" then the inspection check has passed and item will be sent to buyer.


Column Removed

Cash on delivery fee

Column Removed

Checkout Date

Column Removed

Invoice date


Column Removed

Invoice number


Column Removed

Notes to yourself


Column Removed

Unique Product Id


Column Removed



Column Removed



Column Removed



Column Removed

Cash on delivery option

Column Removed

Sales and selling costs reports

You can now keep track of both your sales and your selling costs from the Sales section of the Performance tab - opens in new window or tab.

To generate a sales and costs report:

  1. Use the dropdown menus at the top of the Sales section - opens in new window or tab to refine your results:
    • Choose a time period of your choice for the report (today, this week, this month, or this quarter)
    • Choose a time period to compare your results to (month over month or year over year comparison)
  2. Select Generate Report.

In the All sales section of your report, you'll see a detailed breakdown of your item sales and postage costs. If you select Promoted Listings sales, you can also see what percentage of your total sales came via Promoted Listings. You can also see how all your sales compare to your selected prior time period.

In the Selling costs section of the report, you can see the amount and the percentage of your selling cost that came from eBay fees and postage labels. If you select the arrow beside eBay fees, you can also see a detailed breakdown of your eBay fees.

If you want to see sales performance insights for individual listings, select Download listings sales report.

Refurbished on eBay dashboard

If you sell items through the Refurbished on eBay programme, you can now easily monitor your progress in the Seller Hub Performance section. By selecting the Refurbished on eBay tab, you'll have access to a dashboard providing real-time metrics and insights into your monthly refurbished transactions.

The dashboard makes it easier to ensure you are meeting minimum programme requirement metrics as defined in the refurbished contract. These metrics are evaluated and refreshed on a monthly cadence, after the 25th of each month, based on a complete 3 month (90-day) rolling lookback period. Sellers can also download data for transactions in the programme dashboard via the transactions tab.

If you have questions on your programme metrics please email us at refurbishedprogramme@ebay.com.

Seller Hub consolidates all our listing, reporting, and order management tools in one place. It also provides a range of data and insights to help you grow your business.

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