12V Electric Winch

Strong and versatile 12V electric winches

Pick up a sturdy 12V electric winch to add to your other car parts and accessories. Perfect for helping other cars out of sticky situations when the terrain is snowy or muddy, as well as being able to shift heavy loads with ease, an electric winch is a useful and versatile addition to your vehicle. 

If you're on the hunt for a top quality electric winch for work or home, browse this range to select the perfect 12V electric winch for your needs. With so many options available, you're sure to find exactly what you're looking for. 

Light duty winches

Permanent magnet, or PM, winches are designed for light duties in particular, such as recovering a car from snow or ice. Look out for synthetic rope light duty 12V electric winches for a durable and lightweight piece of equipment that is more than capable of tackling lighter loads. 

Heavy duty winches

If you're likely to be using your 12V electric winch regularly, have a look through this range for some more heavy duty options. Heavy-duty winches are able to withstand heavier loads, as well as more frequent use, and they're sure to be powerful enough for all your needs. 

Perfect for lifting yachts, trawlers and lorries, these handy pieces of equipment are also well suited to construction sites or commercial vehicles. If you're looking for a super strong winch that can handle the toughest of environments, go for one with a strong steel cable that you can rely on to get the job done every time. 

Whatever your needs, there's bound to be the perfect option for you in this range. Before you buy, double check the safety regulations of your chosen 12V electric winch to ensure it can support the loads you intend to move, to make sure you stay safe.