Powered Pro Audio Mixers

Using a Powered Mixer to Enhance Your Music

If you are in a band, you probably know how important it is to have a powered mixer that can give your music just the right the sound. With that said, you also most likely know how expensive these mixers can be, especially if you are looking for a new model instead of a used powered mixer. Luckily, if you do your research, you will find that some of the best budget powered mixer options on eBay will have all of the features that you will need, especially as a beginner.

What are powered mixers?

A powered mixer is an analogue device that is designed to use a power mixer amplifier, which is designed to be connected directly to the speakers so that you can mix your music without disconnecting other equipment. The mixer amp is built right into the device, so you can easily connect it whenever you need. This is a tool that is often used in bands, and if you want your music to have any type of distortion or effect, it is required.

What features are offered on an 8-channel powered mixer?

Whether you are looking at one of the well-known Mackie powered mixers or a powered mixer from Behringer, you are going to have quite a bit of functionality with an eight-channel powered mixer. To start, you are going to have eight mic lines that you can use, so all of your gear will be covered on this mixer. You will have the ability to control the gain of mids, highs, and lows as well as an effects button that you can use to create something a bit out of the ordinary with your mixer.

If you want to connect your phone so that you can play MP3s from your device, a powered mixer with Bluetooth is an option worth considering. With this, you will always have all of your favourite music on hand.

What power mixer brands should you consider?

When you are looking for a power mixer amplifier for sale, you will find quite a variety of pa mixers on the market. Purchasing a specific brand name does not always guarantee the level of quality, so you should always read powered mixer reviews before deciding which one you want to purchase. Some of the brands worth considering include

  • Behringer powered mixer
  • Mackie powered mixer
  • Yamaha powered mixer
  • Midas powered mixer