Maternity Health Pillows

Choosing the Right Pregnancy Pillow for Maximum Comfort

The aches and pains that come with pregnancy as a result of the muscles stretching to accommodate a growing baby can make sleeping comfortably feel impossible. Pregnancy pillows are designed to help relieve these symptoms, but there are many different types of pillows to choose from on eBay. Check out below to find out how to go about choosing the perfect pregnancy pillow for you. 

What types of pregnancy pillows are there? 

Each pregnancy pillow works in its own a unique way. There are several different types of pregnancy pillows, including:  

  • Full body pillow: This C-shaped or U-shaped pillow curves completely around your body and can provide support on both sides of your body and your back, neck, knees, and tummy.
  • Wedge pillow: Similar in shape to a wedge of cheese and designed to be placed under your bump as you sleep, this type of pillow can be used during and after pregnancy.
  • Full-length pillow: The full-length pillow is essentially the same shape as an ordinary pillow except longer, and it provides plenty of support for the tummy and the back.

What type of pillow is good for allergies? 

Even women who don't usually suffer from allergies find themselves prone to them during pregnancy. If this is the case, choose pregnancy pillows that have hypoallergenic fillings. You may also want to consider the pillows that have organic fillings made of substances like wheat or cotton. 

Do pregnancy pillows come with removable covers? 

Most pregnancy pillows are sold with removable, washable covers. During pregnancy, it's easy to perspire quickly and frequently, resulting in pillows that get dirty often. Having a removable cover makes it possible to keep a pillow clean by removing the cover and washing it frequently. If your pillow does not come with a removable cover, look for one in the same size as your pillow. 

What size pregnancy pillow should you get? 

Pregnancy pillows come in a wide range of sizes. If you're trying to figure out which size to get, ask yourself a few questions. What type of bed will you be sleeping in, and how big is it? Do you sleep alone, or do other people sleep in the bed with you? Is the pillow going to be left out on the bed during the day, or will it be stored away after every use? Do you need to travel with the pillow? All these questions can help you determine exactly which size pillow to get.

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