Pool Pumps

Pool Pumps 

A pool pump is essentially the heart of a swimming pool’s circulation system. The pool pump consists of three main components, including the motor, the impeller and a hair and lint trap.

The main function of a pool pump is to pull water from the swimming pool through a skimmer and into a filter, before returning to the pool. The pump and filter work in a closed loop system, removing debris from the pool.

Making your pool pump more efficient

There are number of simple ways in which you can improve the performance of your pool pump to make it more efficient.

  • Inspect the filters - Over a period of time, your pump’s filter will become clogged with debris, making it less effective. It will also make the pump work harder and it will eventually lead to the pool water being contaminated. Inspecting your pump’s filters on a regular basis will allow you to prevent this from happening
  • Clean the drains - Debris can build up in your pool’s drains, which will make your pump and the filter work harder to push it through the system. Clean the drains of your pool regularly to save energy and make the pump more efficient
  • Pump time - You may find that your pool pump runs for a longer period of time than it should. Pool pumps should never run for more than five hours, otherwise they will be using far too much energy. Reduce your pool pump time to a maximum of around four hours a day in the summer and three hours in the winter
  • Pool cover - Installing a pool cover will save you energy and, most importantly, money. Swimming pools that are left uncovered lose up to 20,000 gallons of water a year, which can be reduced significantly by using a pool cover