Hi, 1 - Enter Star Wars space crafts, (ex: X-Wing, Y-Wing, Naboo starfighter, A-Wing). 2 - Enter, fly in locations as Luke Skywalker. 3 - Attack empire droids, spacecrafts, ground troops. 4 - Many configurable keys for (Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick/pad), like - (link weapons, thrust, brake, left, right, cycle camera, and many more + specific spacecraft keys, (up/down, left/right)(weapons). 5 - (1280*1024)(1024*768)(800*600) graphics available. Options for mouse sensitivity, (tick/untick - subtitles, autoroll, autolevel, crosshairs, flip (X, Y, Z) Ver/Hor planes) + more. 6 - Mission commander chatter, NPC's voice speeches, (Luke, Solo) like chatter, sound effects, music. 7 - Perfect entertainment, for flying/firing. Excellent, XYDDVYX
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