Doctor Who The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Sixth Doctor and Peri - Volume 1 by Stuart Manning, Nev Fountain, Andrew Stirling-Brown, James Parsons, Jacqueline Rayner (Audio CD, 2020)

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Doctor Who the Sixth Doctor Adventures: the Sixth Doctor and Peri - Volume 1, CD/Spoken Word by Fountain, Nev; Parsons, James; Stirling-brown, Andrew; Rayner, Jacqueline; Manning, Stuart, ISBN 1838680888, ISBN-13 9781838680886, Brand New, Free P&P in the UK Set after the 1986 TV story "Trial of a Time Lord" and the Big Finish Adventure "The Rani Elite", these four new stories featuring the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown commemorate twenty years of Doctor Who at Big Finish