Fridge Freezers
Fridge freezers enable you to keep your food chilled, ensuring that it stays fresh and safe to eat. Whether you live in a family home or by yourself, there are thousands of fridge freezer options available to suit your needs. No matter if your kitchen is big or small, you'll find a range of fridge freezers with capacities of between 120 and 620 litres.
Choose from leading brands including Beko, Samsung, Bosch, Kelvinator, Westinghouse, Fisher & Paykel, Siemens and SMEG.
Built in Fridge Freezers
Built in fridge freezers will allow you to keep your kitchen décor simple. You'll have all of your appliances tucked away inside your units and won't have to worry about anything not matching your colour scheme.
While it's possible to find bigger and smaller units, built in fridge freezers tend to measure around 178cm in height and 60cm in width. Typically, the unit will be split into two integrated halves with the fridge on top and the freezer below. Built in under counter, fridge freezers are a great option for those with smaller spaces.
Free Standing Fridge Freezers
Free standing fridge freezers are the most popular type and come in a wide range of sizes. They're simple to install and can be transported with relative ease if you ever need to move house. They come with bonus features such as a built in ice machine and it's possible to find a selection that has automatic defrost settings.
This type of fridge freezer comes in a wide range of colours from typical white and silver to black, red and green.
Under Counter Fridge Freezers
Under counter fridge freezers are a great use of low level space in big and small kitchens alike. Whether an under counter fridge freezer is going to serve as your only unit or it's an extra drinks fridge, you'll find lots of options that will slot in under your worktops.
This type of fridge freezer consists of several fridge shelves and a small icebox at the top.