Log Splitters

Log Splitters

If you have a fire, stove or wood burner in your home, it's likely you'll need logs to power it. Rather than buying wooden logs in bulk, you may prefer to chop your own wood. An axe can help you get the job done, however, it can be a slow and laborious process, especially during the cold winter months.

Log splitters can help speed up the process of chopping wood and can be used by people of all ages and skill levels, taking out much of the manual effort required. These mechanical tools use pressure to break wood into smaller pieces and come in three main types which dictate the direction the wood is cut; vertical, horizontal and combination.

You'll find a range of log splitters with varying splitting forces, from 1 ton up to 25 tons. Choose from hundreds of old and new log splitters from brands including Hyundai, Briggs & Stratton, Sealey, Faithfull, Draper and Scheppach.

Electric Log Splitters

If you're chopping wood in your garage or close to a power source, corded electric log splitters are the most convenient. Electric models have an average splitting force of around 10 tons and can comfortably split logs measuring around 20 inches.

Petrol and Diesel Log Splitters

Petrol and diesel log splitters are ideal for chopping wood in environments where there isn't an alternative power source available. For this reason, petrol and diesel splitters tend to be lighter than other types and are easy to transport.

Hydraulic Log Splitters

Hydraulic log splitters can be powered by either gas or electricity and are typically larger units. You'll find some positioned on wheels for easy transport while other styles are fixed. Hydraulic log splitters work by applying a high level of force to the wood and are among the strongest you can buy.