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havent noticed much of a difference yet but vitamin d is supposedly good to defend against covid so thats why im taking it and also because I don't get a lot of sunlight during the day so my levels may be low
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So ok, this Vitamin D... What do they do? Do they work? Yes!!! I lost loads of hair, I was almost bald on the top of my head. My nails were like tissue paper, literally tore, and horrible and bumpy. I was sleeping all the time and totally exhausted. Then I got a cancerous tumour under my eye. Then I got another on my back! THEN I was tested for my Vit D levels. Dr's said we're supposed to be at 175, I was only at 3...I was Vit D deficient. She told me it was very serious, said you can even die because of it!! And ALL of the above are caused by lack of vitamin D! For the cancer alone, it's worth taking. My hair has all grown back, still is growing, and thicker, its even curly! My nails now grow and are solid strong. I'm not tired and sleeping all the time. And hopefully I'll have no more cancer gremlins grow on me!! As long as your blood is tested for your vit D levels, I'd advise everyone to get on it! It's changed my life in 5 months!! Don't think I'm just saying this, don't believe me if that's what you want... But try it for yourself! Especially if you're having the symptoms I had! I'll never stop taking it! I was told by a Dr that the 3 main CLASSIC signs of vit D deficiency are... Hair loss Nail problems Exhaustion and sleeping I saw my doctor many times over the years about these symptoms and generally being, 'not right'... none of them tested my blood! When a specialist I saw randomly decided to run my bloods, he found it. They couldn't get me on them fast enough! At this dose aswell! But 4 months later after a massive improvement to my health, they stopped them, a particular gp who believes patients cost too much money...from the horses mouth! He's definitely not the nicest of people! He wouldn't put me back on them... So I bought them myself! Result? Fantastic! What's the harm in trying them? And I reiterate, Vitamin D deficiency, the Dr told me, 'can' kill you left undetected!! I totally believe that!! All the problems I had, because there were more issues, they've all gone! For me, what can't speak, can't lie! I'm being honest, I was very, very sceptical getting them online and even thought they wouldn't work the same. I tend to not trust online with medications... So I've never bought anything online before... But I was scared to go back to how I was before!! And aren't I glad I took that chance! Because they do work the same as my Dr's did!! You've nothing to lose and everything to gain!! And hopefully now, they'll stop these cancer gremlins growing on me!! Basal Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Melanoma Skin cancers, very deforming skin cancers at that. They're not 'just asking cancer'... That's bull! They're deforming! They can and do also kill people!!! I had a tumour grow below my eye and needed 2 surgeries, and a skin graft, messed up my face and ear... But... Better that than cancer. And the reason I'm telling that, is because if I hadn't been vit D deficient, chances are, I wouldn't have got them! Trust me, get your vit D levels checked, and heck, get on vit D anyway! Dr's recommend because of Covid, that everyone get on vit D supliments! I agree with them! Totally! Vitamin D has changed my life for the better! Go see for yourself if it changes yours. Especially if you had my symptoms! What have you got to lose?! Nothing! What have you got to gain?! Everything! Read full review
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I've been taking this product for two weeks now. Small tablets, no nasty taste, easy to take. I've got an appointment with my rheumatologist in November who will do a wide range of blood tests. I hope these vitamin D3 tablets will have an affect on my inflammation markers. Only time will tell.
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Easy to take and it seems to be doing me good, small tablets, would recommend. I think it's good for your Heart and Osteoporosis and with vit D it's good for your immune system too.
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Excellent product as combines the necessary addition of K2. Small tablets so easy to take and a good price.
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I would advise you take this on its own not along side a multi vitamin too .you could take vitamin b complex with it ...its good for joints ...
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I have really seen a difference in my overall health since taking these tablets over the past year. I haven’t had a cold, or any other condition come to that. I’m 72 and prior to taking the vitamin D3 I suffered from balance problems, painful joints and general tiredness. All this has now either lessened or gone altogether.
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These 5000IU D3 and K2 tablets are the best dosage in my opinion than the lower 1000IU ones I used to take before. Also the quality and price is very good indeed.
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Speedy delivery. Ideal for boosting the immune system against the Corona virus. Unless you are a lifeguard we are all short of the sunshine needed to keep our D3 levels high enough. Better than just D3 as high doses of this are known to lower K2 in the body. One tiny pill a day of D3/K2 does the job!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have been using tablets for 2 months, I see improvement in my body and daily functioning
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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