Commercial Meat Cutters & Slicers

Commercial Meat Slicers Make Your Life Easier

A meat slicer machine creates uniform slices of meats as set to precise measurements in the slicer. Meat slicers can be used both commercially and in the home. They are perfect for preparing large volumes of meat sliced in consistent portions for instant dispensing.

What types of meat slicers are there?

Whether preparing food in a restaurant for sale or at home for your friends, you will appreciate the convenience and ease of use a meat slicer provides. Meat slicers can have different characteristics pertaining to their blades and other parts, but the main types of classifications are quantified by the type of energy and movement that powers the slicer. There are three main categories of food slicers:

  • Automatic: An automatic meat slicer is extremely fast and can slice up to 60 slices of food per minute. You simply set the measurements and let the machine do all the work. These machines are best utilised in high-demand situations.
  • Electric: An electric meat slicer is the machine of choice for home use. These slicers are fast, safe, powerful, and easy to clean. Just plug in your electric food slicer, adjust the settings, and run the food through.
  • Manual: Manual slicers offer the user total control but can be tiring to use for long periods. If you are slicing small quantities on an irregular basis, then this type of slicer is all you need.
Meat slicers are classified according to use

Food slicers are typically categorised for their capability of usage. Slicers can be light, medium, or heavy-duty. A light-duty slicer is not recommended for restaurant use but is fine for use in concession stands or for events that have food. Medium-duty slicers are good enough for slicing meat intermittently throughout the day in settings like the deli department at a grocery store. Heavy-duty slicers can tackle most types of meats at any volume and are perfect for large restaurants or other high-volume establishments.

What foods can you cut in a meat slicer?

You not only can cut meat in a meat slicer, but you can also cut foods like hard cheeses, fruits, vegetables, and bread. You do not have to use a dedicated bacon slicer for this slippery meat because you can slice it easily when it is partially frozen. Any type of firm and hard food can be sliced to perfection in a meat slicer.