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Now, this may sound strange-writing a review about a video before I have I have viewed it, but I bought this because I collect Louis Wain cat art, a man who changed the public's perception of carts and depicted them as the beautiful animals they are and not the ugly, sinister animals the Victorians thought them, teasing mice for example with horrible grins. And as a cat-owner myself who sees all sorts expressions in my beautiful young short-haired British Tabby, I don't care if the reviews have been poor eg. "too quaint". I am interested in the history and will wait for the opportunity when my husband is out long enough for me to watch it because he hates L.W. and I obviously don't. We are all animals and it is appalling how we treat other animals and think of ourselves as the most intelligent of them all. What stupidity! We are very full of ourselves and have really fu**** up by ruining the beautiful planet all animals rely on. Well, that's my opinion and I am sticking to it. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
A great story.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Excellent thank you
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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