Stove & Chimney Pipes

Stove chimney pipes for every home

Before you decide which type of fire or gas stove you're going to buy, you'll need to know what type of chimney or flue you already have. Which type of flue or chimney that's already present in your home is likely to dictate your choice of stove or fire and it is essential you have the correct one for both safety and comfort.

Once you have identified the type of chimney or flue you need, have a look at the great range of fireplace accessories right here on eBay. You're sure to find something perfectly suited to your home.

Stove flue pipes

Stainless steel flue pipes are typically made from tough 316 grade stainless steel, although some are made from vitreous enamel. They are either single or double walled and 1mm thick which makes them ideal for wood, oil, gas and coal-fired stoves.

Most flues are either 5 or 6-inches in diameter with offsets in 25mm increments up to 150mm. They are also 345mm in length which includes a 40mm swage that fits into the stove spigot.

Chimney flue pipes

Chimney flues, like the ones over open fires, are designed to release waste gases from your home. Fireplaces can waste a lot of energy if the flue is not used properly. This can occur when the flue is left open too widely after the fire is lit. Ideally, when a fire is first started, the flue should be opened all the way, and then gradually closed as the fire burns until it is just open enough to gradually pull smoke up the chimney from the fire beneath.

Chimney caps

Usually made from copper or stainless steel, chimney caps are designed to stop dirt, animals and other detritus from coming down your chimney. They also keep out moisture and protect the roof from burning embers which could start a house fire.