I have always liked and been intrigued by the art of Alberto Giacometti, so much so that I wanted to gain something of an understanding of the person behind the art, unfortunately I think I found a little too much of what I was looking for in this book. If You want an incredibly indepth picture of Giacometti's life rather than his works then this is probably the book for You, it explores what I can only assume is every avenue of his family, friends, contemporaries, business relationships and influences, to my taste with a little too much detail, I found myself losing interest in the story of an ex-lover of one of his sweethearts, it was just too much of a diversion to keep me wanting more. I do also feel there were one or two areas in which the author filled events with a little too much imagination, Diego's hand injury as a child seems a little too full of supposition for my liking. I'm sure this is actually a very celebrated biography, and it will be enjoyed by many who read it, but it just tended to wander away from Alberto a bit too often for me.Read full review
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