A definitive book on this diverse subject, a worthy companion to the New Naturalist volume on British Thrushes. Both volumes carry a huge amount of information though it would appear to take a massive effort to continuously update all those facts and observations. As with all natural history observations they are all historical and in many cases could be several years old. As with all identification guides each species is given a brief description with any sexually pertinent colours, characteristics and behavioral traits observed listed. The range of each species is indicated and in some cases where the range overlaps with another similar species their may be inter breeding between the two resulting in hybrids.In all species the number eggs making up a clutch is indicated along with a description of the eggs. One failing of all identification guides is that it fails to include information from keepers of captive specimens in zoological institutions, parks and private collections. All information about any creature should published and shared particularly where it has relevance to an endangered species. Read full review
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