I first read this book two years ago. I did not realize it was the sixth book in the series. Despite not understanding the first two hundred pages of this book I was still captivated, mesmerised and enthralled by the story. Needless to say I read the whole book with no understanding or context from the previous five and still I could not put it down! Steven Erikson has re-kindled my love of reading by adding a new dimension to the Fantasy genre. When asked to describe this book to friends and family who do not read the fantasy genre I am lost for words. Quite often fantasy novels are likened to Lord of The Rings, which in itself set a standard for fantasy books. However I believe that Steven Erikson has raised that standard even higher with the Malazan series. For those that are reading the series I would say, DON'T STOP!! Bonehunters has some shocking revelations and a culmination of convergences that keep you gripped and emotionally captivated. Don't worry, I won't spoil the plot but I must share that there are deaths, resurrections and everything in-between contained in this book. As with Erikson’s style there are two or maybe more sides to the story and angles of emotional involvement. At one point you will feel that beautiful vengeance has occurred but a few pages later feel crushed by said vengeance as you realize it affects a multitude of characters in a different ways. I believe this book is a beautiful link for the series and I would also call it the fulcrum. It brings together all the elements of the previous books and sets a beautifully crafted path for the later parts of the series by tying up some loose ends but yet adding a slight element of doubt to diminish the finality of aforementioned loose ends. The plot of this book seems to be well balanced between action, emotional interest and mysticism. Previous books have been slightly quicker in pace and slightly more aloof but I believe that this book, as implied above, is a junction for the whole series, one that shows you all the major players and with more definition than before. A true joy to read and if you have already read the previous five books then you knew that already. If you haven’t then I suggest you do and get ready for an exceptional story from The Bonehunters.Read full review
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