Dog Agility Training Supplies

Dog Agility Training 

Dog agility training equipment enables your pooch to stay healthy and active, foster obedience and build confidence whilst creating and reinforcing the bond between you and him or her.

Especially great when used with younger dogs to develop these healthy attributes from the start, agility equipment is often adjustable to suit a variety of breeds and sizes.

Benefits of Dog Agility Training

  • Discipline - your dog will have the opportunity to practice self-control as they learn to wait for your command before they tackle the obstacles. This practice of patience creates a more generally obedient dog, that extends to other aspects of their lives
  • Owner-dog connection - the relationship of trust you have with your dog increases as they learn to follow your instructions and obey you. They become more attuned to how you instruct them and in turn you understand your dog better as you gauge their temperament
  • Off-lead reliability - improve control over your dog as they learn to respond to your commands without the need to physically restrain them with a lead
  • Health - staying active is part of a dog's natural lifestyle and improves both their mental and physical health. Agility training helps promote co-ordination, endurance, alertness and confidence

Types of Dog Agility Equipment

  • Tunnels - enable your dog to obey your commands even when they can't be seen by responding to verbal cues. Tunnels expand and contract in size enabling your dog to get used to these gradually
  • Weave Poles - increase your dog's nimbleness by allowing them to weave in and out between poles in a zig zag movement. The distance and angles between poles can be adjusted, allowing your dog to increase their speed with experience
  • Bar Jump/Hurdle - give your dog the opportunity to practice their jumping ability not just their speed. They typically feature adjustable heights to allow dogs of different sizes the ability to tackle them
  • Seesaw - these help develop your dog's sense of balance and to control their speed as they learn to cross safely from one side to the other. They come equipped with a non-slip coating for their safety
  • Hoop Jump - allows you to improve your dog's coordination and timing as they approach the jump. The adjustable height means you can challenge your dog's ability as it improves