Yoga Belts

Yoga Belts

Yoga is an extremely popular fitness and wellness practice that can be done by people of all ages and genders and it requires minimal equipment. Yoga belts are one such piece of yoga equipment that those who practice the art can use to enhance their performance and perfect their yoga poses.

A yoga belt, also known as a yoga strap , is primarily used to help yogis ease into their yoga poses, particularly if you're suffering from any injuries or tense muscles. These belts are also great for helping to align your posture and to enable you to experience them fully without risk of injury.

How do yoga belts work?

Yoga belts generally come with an easy release D-Ring 'buckle' for adjusting it and are often used in a loop. It is for this reason that it's important to select a belt that is long enough for you to hold each side at arms' length. If you are a shorter person, make sure you do not choose one that is too long as you will find this more cumbersome to use.

Yoga belts do come in a variety of lengths with the most common being a 6 foot strap, however there is plenty of choice for taller people, including a 8 foot or even a 10 foot strap.

The buckles themselves will either be made with plastic or metal, so if you are conscious of making noise in the yoga studio, you may like to opt for a yoga strap with plastic buckles to avoid 'clanking' on the floor. It is possible to buy yoga belts and bands without buckles at all however, which may suit those who are looking for fast manoeuvrability and additional freedom.

Exercises using a yoga belt

The number of uses for a yoga belt or strap is greater than you might think! You can use these to perform a number of poses including the Gomakhasana (Cow Face Pose) to open up the chest and the tricky Natarajasana (Lord of the Dance Pose)! If you need to work your inner thighs, a yoga belt can come in extremely handy when attempting the Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose).