Item is as described by the seller and is working without any problems. Very fast shipping, the item arrived earlier than the estimated date. The item was very carefully packed by the seller and arrived without any damage. The seller was giving updates as to the status of the shipment and even contacted the shipper when the item was stuck at customs. Highly recommended seller. I'm happy and satisfied with my purchase. Thank you.
a***r (1003)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
I was very anxious given that it was an international transaction and high value. I have to say though, I’m amazed. Fantastic item and outstanding seller. Communication was great with really fast response each time I got in touch. The 4 big boxes arrived on the day I was quoted and everything was impeccably packaged. Thank you so much. I’d happily buy with confidence in the future. 10/10 this seller couldn’t have made the experience better.
e***h (50)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Sage flyrod shipped from Japan to the Netherlands. Took some time, but tracking was great and rod delivered according schedule. Product better as promised and extremely well packed!!!
Overall very positive feedback and recommended seller !!
0***b (116)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
Verified purchase
Outstanding Seller!! Lightning fast shipping + superb packaging = item arrived in awesome condition exactly as pictured and described! Will not hesitate to do business with again. AAAAA+++++!!!!!
5***g (33)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
I was anxious about purchasing from a seller in Japan but I had been looking for the Juki TL2020PE for some time now. The experience was great, seller kept me informed about shipping/delivery; took about 2 weeks to receive my new toy. The sewing machine was as advertised. Seller was very responsive when I contacted the regarding a missing Bobbin Case which I received today. FEDEX carrier was an entirely different experience🤬
I would purchase from this seller again.
5***e (1797)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Beautiful antique tansu chest. Just as photographed and described. Quick shipping too. Great customer service – – I had a few questions which were promptly answered. I highly recommend this seller🙏