Save money on all of your cards !! Buy any 2 or more cards and pay together to save 15% off your order !!
We mainly sell greetings cards and it's just 4 of us, Steve, Nicola, Bracken the dog and Dino the tortoise :-) The last two don't do much to be fair !
Please bear in mind when ordering that there are a lot of delays still with Royal mail and delivery time's are only estimate's not guarantees so please order in plenty of time and allow longer for delivery.
Kind Regards
All at the Party & Gift Shop.
Location: United KingdomMember since: 21 Feb, 2019Seller: thepartya_23
Business details
Business name: The Party & Gift ShopFirst name: STEPHENSurname: BRAZIERAddress: 31 Cowleigh Road, WR14 1QF Malvern, United KingdomPhone number: 07759942466Email: thepartyandgiftshop@gmail.comVAT number: GB 257856751