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4 x 215/65R16 98H Unigrip AT A/T tyre ALL TERRAIN 2156516 215 65 16 TYRES x4

4X 225/65R17 HIFLY HT601 2256517 102T 225 65 17 M+S 4x4 SUV HT Terrain x4
£264.99Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H6020, Tyre size: 225/65 HR17 102H, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: D, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 71, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4 165R13C 8PR HIFLY SUPER2000 94/92R van trailer tyres 165r13 1658013 16513 tyre
£146.90Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H9006, Tyre size: 165 R13C 94R, Tire class: C2, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

16" New Alloy Wheels Part Worn M+S 8PR Tyres Citroen Maxi Boxer Maxi Before 2017

4x 2456517 HIFLY AT601 107T all terrain tyre 4x4 SUV AT 245/65r17 TYRES x 4

4 x 245/65R17 111H Unigrip AT A/T tyre ALL TERRAIN 2456517 245 65 17 TYRES x4

4 x 235/55R19 COMPASAL CROSSTOP A/S II 105W XL TYRE 2355519 all season tyres x4

4 x 255/60R18 112H Unigrip AT A/T tyre ALL TERRAIN 2556018 4x4 SUV TYRES x4

4 x 225/45R18 FIREMAX FM601 95W XL TYRE 2254518 new performance car tyres x4
£199.90Manufacturer name: Firemax, Tyre type identifier: F0616H, Tyre size: 225/45 R18 95W, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: C, Wet grip class: B, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 69, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 16/15, Production end date: 16/15Tyre Label

4 x 215/55R18 COMPASAL CROSSTOP A/S II 99V XL TYRE 2155518 all season tyres x4

2 x 2156017 HIFLY VIGOROUS HT601 TYRE 215/60r17 TYRE M+S 4x4 SUV new car tyres

X4 185r14c 8PR HIFLY 102 100R van tyres 18514 1858014 C TYRE trailer caravan 4
£179.99Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H9008, Tyre size: 185 R14C 102R, Tire class: C2, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

x4 NEW 175/70R13 HIFLY HF201 82T TYRE 1757013 175/70r13 passenger car tyres x 4
£120.50Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H2064, Tyre size: 175/70 R13 82T, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 70, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4x 101W 225/55R17 2255517 225 55 17 Hifly HF805 XL Tyre NEW 225/55-17 TYRES x 4
£214.50Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H1038, Tyre size: 225/55 WR17 101W, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4 x 165/70R14 COMPASAL BLAZER HP 81H tyre 1657014 165/70r14 NEW Car TYRES x4

4 235/60R17 HIFLY VIGOROUS HT601 102H TYRE 2356017 M+S SUV 4x4 car tyres x4
£269.99Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H6028, Tyre size: 235/60 R17 102H, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: D, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 71, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4 17513 Hifly 8PR 175r13 Van Commercial Tyres Trailer Caravan 1758013 175r13c

4x KENDA 185/65R14c 93N KR-209 3G XL 1856514 TYRE FRT trailer caravan tyres x 4

2x 2456517 HIFLY AT601 107T all terrain tyre 4x4 SUV AT 245/65r17 TYRES x 2

4x 225/60R18 UNIGRIP 100V 4S M+S All Season tyres AS 2256018 MS A/S TYRE x4

1 x 225/65R16 FIREMAX FM916 8PR 112/110T C/VAN TYRE 225/65r16c Tyres x1
£61.83Manufacturer name: Firemax, Tyre type identifier: F2514H, Tyre size: 225/65 R16C 112/110T, Tire class: C2, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: B, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 46/16, Production end date: 46/16Tyre Label

4 33X12.5020 LT HIFLY VIGOROUS MT601 114Q TYRE mud terrain MT 33x12r20 tyres x4

2 x 195/45R16 HIFLY HF805 84V XL TYRE 1954516 new performance car tyres x2
£85.90Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H1013, Tyre size: 195/45 R16 84V, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

2x 195/70R15 HIFLY SUPER2000 104/102R 1957015 8PR 195/70r15C 8PLY van tyres
£103.90Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H9030, Tyre size: 195/70 R15C 104R, Tire class: C2, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

225/70R16 HIFLY VIGOROUS HT601 103H 2257016 225 70 16 NEW Tyres x 4 M+S 4x4
£274.90Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H6026, Tyre size: 225/70 R16 103H, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: D, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 71, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4x RAPID 205/70R15 96H P309 TYRE 2057015 tyre new passenger car tyres x 4

2 x 225/70R15C 8PR HIFLY SUPER2000 112 110R 2257015 225 70 15 Van Tyres Tyre x2
£116.99Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H9033, Tyre size: 225/70 R15C 112R, Tire class: C2, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4 x 1756514 HIFLY Win-Turi 212 M+S WINTER TYRE 175/65r14 Mud Snow tyres MS x4

4 x 225/35R20 HIFLY HF805 90W XL 2253520 225/35-20 High Performance Car TYRES
£249.99Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: N/A, Tyre size: 225/35 WR20 90W, Tire class: N/A, Fuel efficiency class: E, Wet grip class: E, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: N/A, Production end date: N/ATyre Label

4 x HABILEAD 155/80R13 79T H206 1558013 new 155/80r13 car tyres x4

2 x 2556517 HIFLY VIGOROUS HT601 110H TYRE 255/65r17 M+S SUV 4x4 car tyres x2

4 x 245/45R20 COMPASAL SMACHER 103W XL SUV tyre 4x4 2454520 Performance Tyres

4 x 235/65R17 HIFLY HT601 108 XL TYRE SUV 4x4 235 65 17 M+S tyres 2356517 x4

4 x 2157016 HIFLY HT601 100H TYRE 215/70r16 TYRE M+S 4x4 SUV new car tyres x4

4 x 255/35R19 COMPASAL BLAZER UHP 2 96Y XL TYRE 2553519 performance car tyres x4
£277.99Manufacturer name: Compasal, Tyre type identifier: 7CL2449H1, Tyre size: 255/35 R19 96Y, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: C, Wet grip class: B, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 22/22, Production end date: 22/22Tyre Label

4 31x10.50R15 HIFLY MT 31x10.50/15 31 10.50 15 Mud Terrain 31/10.50r15 4x4

4 x 225/60R16 COMPASAL BLAZER HP 98H TYRE 2256016 225 60 16 new car tyres x4

4 x 1954515 HIFLY HF805 82VXL TYRE 195/45r15 new high performance car tyres x4

2 x 25535Z20 SUNWIDE RS-one 97Y XL TYRE 2553520 255/35r20 performance tyres x2

X2 185r14c 8PR HIFLY 102 100R van tyres 18514 1858014 C TYRE trailer caravan 2
£91.90Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H9008, Tyre size: 185 R14C 102R, Tire class: C2, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4 x 2255516 HIFLY HF805 99XL V TYRE 225/55r16 new car performance tyres x4

2 x 2256018 HIFLY VIGOROUS HP801 100V TYRE 225/60r18 SUV performance tyres x2

1 x 195/65R15 FIREMAX FM601 95T XL TYRE 1956515 new performance car tyres x1
£40.85Manufacturer name: Firemax, Tyre type identifier: F0671H, Tyre size: 195/65 R15 95T, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: C, Wet grip class: B, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 69, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 16/15, Production end date: 16/15Tyre Label

£294.99Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H6001, Tyre size: 235/60 HR16 100H, Tire class: C1, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: D, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 71, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4 x APTANY 205/40R17 84W RA301 XL TYRE 2054017 ultra high performance tyres UHP

4x 2056516C 8PR HIFLY SUPE2000 107/105T VAN TYRE 205/65r16c commercial tyres x 4
£217.90Manufacturer name: Hifly, Tyre type identifier: 200H9021, Tyre size: 205/65 R16C 107T, Tire class: C2, Fuel efficiency class: D, Wet grip class: C, external rolling noise measured value in (dB): 72, external rolling noise class: B, Snow grip: NO, Ice grip: N/A, Production start date: 27/20, Production end date: 27/20Tyre Label

4 x 1957015C 8PR TORQUE TQ-05 104/102R VAN TYRES 1957015 195/70r15c C tyres x4

2 x 1855515 HIFLY HF-261 82V TYRE 185/55r15 new summer car tyres pair x2
About us
Save On Tyres Direct is an established family run business having served a vast range of tyres and wheels to customers for over 40years.
Whether it’s a 13” tyre for your caravan or trailer or a 20” tyre for your SUV / 4x4, or anything in between, we have the tyre for you, at the most competitive price.
With free delivery to your to your door or to the garage or your choice within 2working days and a no quibble 30day returns policy what is stopping you?
Budget, mid range and quality premium new tyres for cars, SUV, 4x4's Hybrids, vans and trailers for all seasons - Summer, All Season and Winter tyres available.
BK Racing alloy wheels are available in fitted sets with tyres including balancing for cars and vans including Ford Transits and VW Transporters 18" and 20".
Not sure if the tyre will fit or need advice? No problem, contact our specialist customer service team who will help you choose the right tyre and the right fitment all at the right price!
Whether it’s a 13” tyre for your caravan or trailer or a 20” tyre for your SUV / 4x4, or anything in between, we have the tyre for you, at the most competitive price.
With free delivery to your to your door or to the garage or your choice within 2working days and a no quibble 30day returns policy what is stopping you?
Budget, mid range and quality premium new tyres for cars, SUV, 4x4's Hybrids, vans and trailers for all seasons - Summer, All Season and Winter tyres available.
BK Racing alloy wheels are available in fitted sets with tyres including balancing for cars and vans including Ford Transits and VW Transporters 18" and 20".
Not sure if the tyre will fit or need advice? No problem, contact our specialist customer service team who will help you choose the right tyre and the right fitment all at the right price!
Business details
Business name: B K RACING LTDFirst name: WSurname: KAddress: Deed Trade House, Grace Road Central, EX2 8QA Exeter, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, United KingdomPhone number: 01392203051Email: sales@saveontyres.co.ukVAT number: GB 711885724
Seller Feedback (50,664)
- 6***o (407)- Feedback left by buyer.Past monthVerified purchaseThanks for all your help with( my) .... incorrect order . Many thanks again, your tyres were perfect in quality/condition/ good value . Well packaged in appearance when delivered to me . You have been outstanding in all communication regarding my returns . Many thanks 👍 thank you 👍👍👍
- s***i (625)- Feedback left by buyer.Past monthVerified purchasegoods as described. fast delivery. good communication. I recommend the seller
- e***1 (659)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseItems as described, good communication, very fast delivery, would do business again A +++
- r***e (489)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseThanks. Item exactly as described and arrived safely. Good price. Great seller - highly recommended.
- a***r (604)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseGreat item. Good value for money. Fast delivery. Excellent Communications. Highly recommended seller.
- r***o (174)- Feedback left by buyer.Past monthVerified purchasetyres got lost in transit first time around,seller sent more out,took alot longer than described in postage.seller communication great