Welcome to my eBay Shop. Party Bag Kids is the trading name for The Little Treasure Box Ltd. Founded in 2011, The Little Treasure Box design and manufacturer our own bespoke designs for children's parties and party bags and supply to businesses throughout the uk as well retailing to individual clients. Each and every customer is valued and every sale completed with love and care. Thank you for visiting our eBay shop Very best wishes for your child's party.
Location: United KingdomMember since: 12 Jul, 2011Seller: partybagkids
Business details
Business name: The Little Treasure Box LtdFirst name: TracySurname: AngusAddress: Gingerbread House, 115A Armitage Road, HD3 4JR Huddersfield, Milnsbridge, United KingdomEmail: tangus.treasurebox@gmail.com