Knee Orthotics, Braces & Orthopaedic Sleeves

Person strapping up a knee brace

Important questions about knee supports

Knee supports, like sleeves or braces, are designed to be worn over the knee during regular activity. Like other joint supports, they should be both firm and flexible. It's also important they are made from materials that will not irritate the skin or cause rashes and cuts. Keep reading to get answers to common questions about knee supports.

The right time

When do you use a knee support?

Pain is the body's alarm system that something is not right. When it comes to your knees, the pain can be debilitating. People with knee pain or knee injuries don't just lose their ability to participate in leisure activities?they can also lose their ability to walk. A knee brace can be a good solution. Injured people should wear a knee brace whenever directed to do so by their doctors. No one should wear a knee brace without first consulting a doctor because wearing a support can sometimes cause further injury, especially if you choose the wrong type.

Knee braces can also be worn to combat muscle pain or the pain from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. There is controversy about wearing a knee support for arthritis of either type. The main reason for this is wearing a brace lessens the workload on the tendons and ligaments of your knee, which will weaken them over time. If you were to later walk or run without the brace, you could injure the knee and create an even more severe problem. However, wearing a brace provides relief from pain, so many people wear knee supports for arthritis.

Woman looking in pain from her knee


How do you use a knee support?

This depends on the severity of the injury. For simple injuries, such as a mild sprain, a compression sleeve or Velcro-strapped brace will do. For serious injuries that include ligament tears, bruised bones, and the like, you will probably need a hinged, reinforced brace. These braces are usually formed from metal or hard plastic.

Our eBay sellers can provide you with a brace that is appropriate for your injury based on your doctor?s recommendation. In many cases, you will have to try several braces before finding one that fits and is comfortable. It's crucial to get the right fit to avoid exacerbating the existing injury or causing additional issues. Most medical professionals recommend having at least two braces so that it's easier to keep them clean. It's also a good idea to have an adjustable brace so you can change the fit as the knee heals. You should always follow the care and cleaning instructions that come with your braces.

How do you put on a knee support?

Generally, it is recommended to wear the brace under your clothes. If possible, you should wear shorts. Braces are designed to be worn centred on the knee joint and aligning them correctly is important for proper support. Throughout the day, you should remove the brace periodically while seated. This will help reduce the sweat that accumulates. You can then also clean your skin, apply a moisturizer to reduce flaking, and let the skin breathe. You should always be sure to reattach the brace.

At night

Can a knee support be worn while sleeping?

Yes, you can wear a knee brace while sleeping. In fact, when the knee must be immobilized for healing, it's imperative to wear the brace to avoid worsening the injury. In cases of mild pain or injury, however, you may sleep without the brace. Anyone using a knee brace should consult a doctor before making a decision about sleeping with a support.

Wearing the support while asleep is essential for those rehabilitating from torn ligaments in the knee, particularly the anterior cruciate ligament. Such an injury, improperly treated, can leave you unable to walk for life. A knee support that fits correctly can also alleviate pain from an ACL injury. It's best practice to remove and clean the knee brace in the morning after waking up. You'll also want to clean the skin around your knee, removing any dead skin cells. After cleansing, make sure to moisturize the skin with a water-based, scent-free product.

Woman showing some knee pain while exercising

Sports and exercise

Do knee supports assist with running?

When it comes to running and exercise while wearing a knee brace, you should check with your doctor before using a specially-designed sports knee support. One person with a knee injury could be ready for jogging or a football match after a week in a brace. Other people might have to stay off their feet for a month or more. Some may not even be able to participate in sports whatsoever for a prolonged period of time. It all depends on your individual circumstances.

Sayings like "play through pain," "suck it up," or "walk it off" are utter rubbish when it comes to injured knees. As stated, a poorly fitted or wrong kind of brace, along with ignoring signs, can lead to serious injuries. The cardinal rule of exercise while injured is simple: "If it hurts, stop."

Running, and especially running during contact sports, is the hardest workout on the knees even in good circumstances, so it's vital to take proper care during those activities. There are other activities that don't put as much strain on the knee. Bench pressing and lat pulls are two good examples. Overhead pressing and other exercises performed while standing, however, are tough on the knees. Ask your doctor prior to beginning any of these activities. That way, there should be no problem proceeding with your workout routine.